The Only Exception | Teen Ink

The Only Exception

October 4, 2010
By Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I never thought that I’d fall head over heels for you
that I would consider you the exception to all the rules
allow me to break from the norm and be myself.
It’s amazing how you can change all of that,
allow me to love freely
touch lovingly
and care too much.

Cliché is my middle name
and oxymoronic love is where I’m at
but when I look into those eyes
and see you staring right back at me,
it amazes me how honest you are.
how you allow me into
your life
you soul
your brain
your heart.

I don’t understand where the doubt is,
we have our differences and dislikes in one another.
But more of the opposite,
I love your awkwardness and emo-ness

I told myself I was content with loneliness,
but then I realized that not having you in my life would not work
I needed you.
because I’m stuck on you.
Like Elmer’s glue that helps me stick my paper heart to yours.

Help me find myself
and I hope I help you find your true self.
The guy who makes me smile. No matter my mood.

Mahal Kita
Ich Liebe Dich
Te Amo
Je T'aime
Ti Amo
Em Ye^u Anh

^^^all of those phrases?
They mean I love you.

That memory of our first real
I love you
scratched into my heart forever.
You have a piece of me with you
always, no matter what happens.

This poem is kind of all over the place.
just like me….
It’s your little reminder that I’m different.
but I hope you like that different,
because I have not felt this way for a long time.

The butterflies I get
when I see you walking towards me
reaching out to touch me
grabbing my body for a hug
or simply holding my hand.

Usually, I’m more expecting.
But it feels like anything you do for me
makes me happy.
which in return I hope makes you happy.

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