Peer Pressure | Teen Ink

Peer Pressure

September 6, 2010
By Toryie BRONZE, Inverness, Florida
Toryie BRONZE, Inverness, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Go away
Can't you see
I hate the words you say

Not again
Don't you know
I won't give in

next time
I have to go
It's almost nine

Tommarow night
when finally
We aren't in sight

Fine I'll do it
Then in the popularity puzzle
maybe I'll fit

one last time
then again and again
but that's where I draw the line

It was attention I lacked
I was stupid
But I cant take it back

I can't beleive I did that
but in the cell
is where I sat

never again
Not me
I wont give in
Not again

The author's comments:
The pressure that everybody has been exposed to inspired this peice. I know that time and time again I've been pressured to drink, do drugs or skip class. But peer pressure can start even when your little. Like:
"Oh, you won't jump of the monkey bars"
"Your a scaredy cat"
"Prove it"
So the pressured kid does it because he doesn't want to seem weak in front of his friends. This poem is about giving in to pressure then quitting whatever they were doing and saying no the next time. Peer preesure is a hard thing to deal with and being a teenager does not help. I want every teen out to know that just because they say to do it. Doesn't mean you should. And if they don't want to be your friend after that, what kind of "friend" would try to make you do something you don't want to do. You are not alone.

-Tori Baker

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