The Mirror | Teen Ink

The Mirror

September 14, 2010
By xXforever.lostXx BRONZE, Casper, Wyoming
xXforever.lostXx BRONZE, Casper, Wyoming
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

a little girl staring in a mirror
looking at the life she has
looking at the friends she has
the friends she's lost the friends that never really were
she's forced to grow up, be something she's not
forced to sell her soul, or was it by choice
trying to see how she feels
but she can't see how she fels she can't understand it
she tries to live it but she only shows darkness
the mirror only reflects the lie she's trapped in
they say she wears emotion on her sleeve
but it's just fake emotion hiding the truth
she seems happy but she isn't
everyday she tries so hard
tries not to break down
tries not to cry
crying only makes it worse, makes her uglier
concentrating so hard on the mirror
with a pretty frame
with an awful reflection
staring into her stolen soul
crash, shattered pieces everywhere
they reflect nothing but an empty room

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