When they change | Teen Ink

When they change

September 24, 2010
By efrain15 SILVER, Park City, Utah
efrain15 SILVER, Park City, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you meet some one
And become really good friends
You think their normal
Their not like the people who are popular

Or think that they are awesome
They are in the middle
But when you find that your friend does all these things that you think she wouldn’t do
Things start to happen

Or if your friend starts to hang out with all the wanabes
You find out that your friend does drugs
You want to tell your friend that what he or she is doing is really stupid
And tell them to stop
But at the same time you don’t want to tell your friend
You think that they will stop being your friend

Or maybe he or she will tell all your secretes
And if all these things happens
You wish you never became their friend
When you make a friend
Make sure that they are the right friend

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