The Complexities of Life | Teen Ink

The Complexities of Life

August 18, 2010
By stuck_in_the_past GOLD, Lakeside, Oregon
stuck_in_the_past GOLD, Lakeside, Oregon
16 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead" ~Benjamin Franklin

There are days were there's no living
Only breathing and numb movements
Only bare feet walking across broken glass
Not feeling the sharp edges
Slicing through the soft skin
Breaking and splintering into it
Making a vibrant red liquid slosh into the harsh, unruly civilization
This is the simplistic part of life
When you cut someone, they bleed
But when you say something to them, they can react in so many ways
First there's sadness
Where they weep and weep and there's nothing you can do to stop them
Then there's anger
Where they yell and scream at you till they can't speak no more
Finally, there's happiness
Where they giggle and get under your nerves
Of course, though, these emotions blend together to create total monstrosity
That's why I prefer to stick to the simple things
Where one thing equals only one thing

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