Here's to you | Teen Ink

Here's to you

September 18, 2010
By Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suck it"

I remember that one day we sat alone, like always.
You knew just how to make me feel special. Like I was the only girl you thought of. Like we were the only two left.

And every time you left we'd take one last glance at each other as you turned around the corner.

I remember the night after you kissed her, you apologized and held me by the waist, you made me feel special, and as you left we had one last glance.

I remember on the golf course, past my curfew laying together. I'd say I love you and you'd say the same.

I remember sitting at the tree you'd be on the phone with her as I walked up. I'd pretend I didn't notice. I brought her up once before and you said you barely talked anymore.

And I remember very vaguely the boy I met in 6th grade science. He knew how to make me feel special. but he changed into the boy that I know today. He makes every girl feel special, and we don't talk until the sun comes up, we don't have last glances, the boy I know now isn't the boy I gave my life to.

Here's to the boy that stole it.

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