[with him] Emotions Run Wild | Teen Ink

[with him] Emotions Run Wild

September 13, 2010
By xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
34 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My heart beats ,

why am I so dumb ?

The way he looks at me-

do other girls get that look too,

or am I the only one ?

Is that just wishful thinking

or is it the truth ?

We had something,

that wasn’t my imagination

but all the odds are against us.

Why am i so dumb ?

I know the truth;

I know that when I’m not around

there’s someone else there to fill my space,

so replaceable to him.

He’ll never have to lie alone.

But he said I could be his new beginning-

that was the truth.

Fact not imagination.

I know I shouldn’t stay

but i want things to be the same.

With him,

I feel limitless.

With him,

i feel infinite bliss.

With him,

I’m just another on the list .

My emotions are running wild now ,

anger and affection.

He lies, I listen.

I try, he looks the other way .

He promised things wouldn’t change,

he swore I was the only one

He lied. I listened.

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