My Friends | Teen Ink

My Friends

September 5, 2010
By Nicholas.C GOLD, Terrell, Texas
Nicholas.C GOLD, Terrell, Texas
16 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Follow your heart.

A victom of a shattered past.
It cut at me like broken glass.
Bruised and bleeding, I fell to my knees.
But you all gathered around me.
And you all kept me strong.
Your names become the lyrics of my greatest song.

I cried into the darkness, I couldn't find my light.
You all dried my tears, and opened up my eyes.
I was lost, and felt all alone.
You all took my hand, and guided me back home.
I thought nothing was worth believing in, no such thing as "paragon".
You all took me out and showed me the breaking dawn.

When I took my greatest fall...
You all gathered around me.
And you all kept me strong.

I just wanna thank you all for being there for me.
You all swept away the broken glass, and set me free.

Now I can see something worth chasing in the Tomorrow.
Now I can see something worth waiting for in the Today.

When I think about you, my friends....

All my sorrows, and my troubles just seem to fade away.

The author's comments:
This is just a really big thanks to all my supporters. I love you all like family.

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