He Makes Me Feel | Teen Ink

He Makes Me Feel

September 7, 2010
By Rumbling_Bass GOLD, Oak Park, Illinois
Rumbling_Bass GOLD, Oak Park, Illinois
10 articles 1 photo 0 comments

My heart races faster than my thoughts when I know I’ll see you.
Something about the way you carry yourself makes my body feel a way I’ve never felt before.
I caution myself not to let my emotions take the lead, but it’s nearly impossible.
In math class, I struggle to keep focus.
I just want to feel your body against mine, your skin on my skin.
I want to get lost in you.
When world history comes around, I can hardly contain myself.
My excitement becomes too much to stifle.
I let a smile part my lips as I round the corner and enter the class room.
I take my seat, my perfect seat, the seat that faces your seat.
My heart pounds out a love struck beat as I anticipate your arrival.

And then you float through the door like the glorious angel you are.
I feel your presents before I look up.
My heart flutters like a thousand butterflies and my world focuses on only you.
I can’t concentrate on a thing our teacher is saying.
I don’t care about conquering lands.
I only want to conquer your body.
You make me feel foreign emotions.
Emotions I never knew I was capable of feeling.
Emotions I want to explore with you.

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