Ticked | Teen Ink


August 21, 2010
By DearLiyah_ BRONZE, Hazel Crest, Illinois
DearLiyah_ BRONZE, Hazel Crest, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”


those seconds turn into minutes
those minutes turn into hours
and those hours turn into days
and out of every minute out of
those hours
there isn't a single second that i don't
think of you

the hours i spend
laying in my bed
and every second I come up with a different way
to tell you how i feel

every minute
of every hour
every second
of every day

the days turn into nights
and the endless minutes turn into
countless hours
of where i can dream of you holding me in your arms

and of you

telling me
of all the seconds
that turn into minutes
that turn into hours

& how that there isn't a day
where you aren't thinking of me too.

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