Instincts | Teen Ink


August 30, 2010
By Abby Lane BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
Abby Lane BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh how I wish I had the sense to follow my instincts.
The water felt so good that day.
It would have been so easy to slip away,
completely unnoticed.
I hadn't had thoughts like that in years.
It would have been so nice to dip down,
be swallowed up by the water,
and never resurface.
It would have been so nice to be selfish again.
Those thoughts hadn't come to me in years,
yet I was dwelling on them excitedly.
The prospect of the gentle water becoming my permenant home,
the idea of never having to face the raging fires again,
the thought of having the waves keep me below, and yet above all else.
Oh how I wish I had the sense to follow my instincts.
The water felt so good that day.
It would have been so easy to slip under,
completely ignored.
Thoughts like that hadn't interrupted the peace in my mind in years.
It would have been so nice to dip down,
be engulfed by the water,
and never come up.
It would have been so nice to be selfish again.
Thoughts like that hadn't come to me in years,
yet I dwelled on the concept easily.
The prospect of the gentle water becoming my permanent home,
the idea of never having to face the raging fires again,
the thought of having the waves keep me below, and yet above all else.
Oh how I wish I had the sense to follow my instincts.

The author's comments:
You'd have to know more about me than I'm going to put online to really understand where I'm coming from on this one.

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on Sep. 17 2010 at 8:56 pm
LizzyMarie21 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
 That Was Wow... :)