Tulips | Teen Ink


August 26, 2010
By ExcitableEmyle BRONZE, Kamloops, District Of Columbia
ExcitableEmyle BRONZE, Kamloops, District Of Columbia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here I am staring at this tulip that is orange, yellow, and red. They are the colours of beauty. I am not talking about a fire either, rather the pedals of this flower. Pollen waiting in the centre for the humming birds and the busy bees. Swinging back and forth in the winds cool refreshing breeze. Having the need to widen its pedals for those who decide to walk by and glance down. Wanting to show that it is not afraid to show what it looks like. Its stem is a light lime green. In the inside, it holds what is keeping it alive. Water is a powerful and valuable thing. It smells as if it were in a field full of other tulips just like it, it smells like nature spring even.

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