April 2, 2000 | Teen Ink

April 2, 2000

August 26, 2010
By katydidlove BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
katydidlove BRONZE, Tallahassee, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today’s the day.
The birds sing a mellow tune,
The colors of spring seem duller,
All reading my mind.
This day takes me back 10 years
To a phone call that sank my world
Into an abyss of numbness for a single day.
You, My Babboo,
Were gone forever.
There would no longer be the harmonica playing for me,
Yelling “BABBALOOO” like a modern Ricky Ricardo throughout the house.
You wouldn’t be there at
Graduation, my wedding, to hold my first child
With the same love in your eyes as with me.
No more wiping away tears,
Or holding me in your tender arms.
The last time I saw you,
You had thinned down.
The chemo was taking its toll on your usually robust body.
Your white hair was gone.
But your eyes hadn’t changed—
The twinkle of mischievousness still shone bright as diamonds.
One decade has passed,
But I still feel you
Alive in my heart—
In the necklace you gave Mama.
In the last picture of you holding me,
The only one that remains.

The author's comments:
On this day, I lost a man that was very close to my family. He helped raise me and helped shape who I have become today.

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