Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

August 24, 2010
By Bianca Villasenor BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
Bianca Villasenor BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the little blue blanket, from Adidas shoes and Barbie dolls.
I am from swinging swings, soccer fields, and the big red slide.
I am from the huge climbing oak trees, the thick rose buds that stunned my little fingers.
I am from putting lights on the tree, from joking around and protectiveness, from Sal to Gloria.
I am from the belief that if you work hard you can accomplish anything and if you give your mom hugs for Valentines Day instead of chocolates she will still love you.
From “you cant date until you get married” and “don’t point a finger because there is always three pointing right back at you”.
I am from first communions and catholic churches, which usually end in crazy family parties.
I am from the singing mariachis and the dancing sombreros, from cheesy macaroni and rich chocolate cakes.
From the workaholic mother who spends her free time hanging out with her kids and taking them to amusement parks and the father who tries to keep up.
I am from the radical Splash Mountain pictures, crazy plane rides to Florida and Hawaii, and the amazing family parities with karaoke.
I am from Humiliation.

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