Line of Soldiers | Teen Ink

Line of Soldiers

August 25, 2010
By Berezin BRONZE, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
Berezin BRONZE, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have too many fantasies too be a housewife. i guess i am a fantasy"

The American line of soldiers
Goes up and down the road
They shout and scream the vulgar
And cry “o please, take us home!”
They fight and fight but to no avail
They don’t care about learning the military code

The American line of soldiers, have had enough blood and tears
They want to go home
But, their leader says, “You men are under my control for two more years!”
They revolt and shout and cry, but to no avail, they’re sent fight in Rome
They sing sad songs and miss their woman
The American lines of soldiers are all alone

The piercing sound of bombshell
Awaken them from their slumber
They cry and wonder why they’re in this Hell
The sound of a gunshot signals more war, and the Sergeant pulls up in his Hummer
The world spins out of control
Screaming for mercy and crying for fear, they try to know their fate but fate does not tell

The screaming ends, the light stops, the Angel of Death flies over the blood-zone taking lives
The survivors are gone and they’re not coming back
People who want to live are striving to
Men who want to die are bodies going slack
The world is ending
The world is starting is starting to go black

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