Fly Away | Teen Ink

Fly Away

August 25, 2010
By babynoel1225 GOLD, Mendon, Michigan
babynoel1225 GOLD, Mendon, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
-You dont know what you have 'till its gone.
-Sometimes giving up doesn't mean your weak sometimes it means your strong enough to let go.
- Remember Patrick, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets- Spongebob Squarepants.

The words run through my head
as i sit back and watch the smoke float around me.. I'm flying.. its my only escape from life. Sit back any fly. Take away the tragedies that occur is this demented life of mine. Hear the birds sing as you fly past them .. singing there happy songs . It reminds you of days that you were happy when nobody cared about your problems and you weren't a outcast at school and we couldn't wait to grow up well those day are over and people change and people like me fly. Fly to our own little worlds were we belong..

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