Pounding | Teen Ink


August 19, 2010
By Anonymous

Pounding pounding pounding
What's with all this pounding?
Its out of rythm, out of time, and its numbing
Numbing all my senses away
So all I can focus on
Is that damn pounding
Pounding pounding pounding
Through my head
Theories of told what to said
Lies going in and truths never coming out
So who can tell the difference
Between then and now?
Pounding pounding pounding
In my chest
How many pounds are left?
He makes my pounding heart tremble
With every emotion imaginable
It's the only thing that tells me I'm alive
But I want the pounding to stop
Because it's taking over
It's almost like I'm never sober
And I'm exploding
Exploding exploding exploding

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