Can I Be Beautiful? | Teen Ink

Can I Be Beautiful?

August 11, 2010
By Chandler Acloque BRONZE, New York, New York
Chandler Acloque BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it that the phrase, "Can I be beautiful" hold so much power over me?
Why is it that I have this unhealthy desire to be beautiful just like the "celebrities?"
Why is it that my secret role model is on the centerfold of King Magazine showing all the world what she has to offer?
Why is it that every other week when I talk to People Magazine, all she has to say is the latest story of some skinny chic's weight loss secrets?
Why is it that I secretly look at her weight loss tips & take mental notes for myself?
Breakfast: one banana & one cup of oatmeal
Lunch: grilled chicken penne & one cup of juice
Dinner: sautéed veggies & a small serving of rice
Snack: one scoop of non-fat low-carb ice cream
Why is it that this girl loses "7 pounds in 5 days?" & looks exactly the same?
Why is it that this woman holds so much power over me & what my mind thinks beauty is or has to be?
Why is it that her beauty is fake?
Why is it that she got nipped, tucked & sucked to get to her definition of beauty today?
Did she have this same crisis something similar to mine?
Why is it that a love-hate relationship towards yourself never seems to end?
Why is it that the saying, "beauty is from the inside out" has ceased to exist?
Why is it that young girls let the media tell us who we are & what we are not?!
Why is it that we listen to this bulls***?
Why is it so easy to say young girl you are BEAUTIFUL but not so easy to believe it?
Why is it that I know that I am beautiful inside & out, but the phrase, "Can I be beautiful?" still has so much power over me?
How is it that I know I am beautiful?
I know I am beautiful because I am smart, loving, sensitive, energetic & I am a young girl just like you & you are beautiful too.

The author's comments:
This poem came from my heart. This is how I feel about being a teenage girl growing up. I hope other girls will read it and understand that we are not alone.

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This article has 2 comments.

Chandler said...
on Oct. 6 2010 at 4:09 pm
Thank you so much.  This poem is dear to my heart.  It's hard to be a teen!  LOL

Saidah. GOLD said...
on Oct. 6 2010 at 12:25 pm
Saidah. GOLD, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 15 comments
Beautiful .