I Can Remember | Teen Ink

I Can Remember

August 3, 2010
By zk4ever BRONZE, Owasso, Oklahoma
zk4ever BRONZE, Owasso, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I see a harmonica
I think of my grandfather.
When I play "Go Fish"
I think of my grandfather.
When I hear Willie Nelson
I hear my grandfather's voice singing.
When I eat walnut ice cream
I think of my grandfather.

When I see a Western
I see him.
When I hear a guitar
I hear him.

I can remember his smile,
I can remember his laugh,
I can remember his voice
And sitting in his lap...
Drawing pictures of things we saw
Guessing what the other drew...

I can remember the day his heart stopped.
So unexpected... so sudden...
Mowing the law one minute,
Laying on the ground the next.
The lawn mower blowing grass in his face
As God picked him up and brought him home.
His glasses were above his head
Laying in the cool grass.
His body, on it's side.
The blood drained from his face
And prayers went to heaven.
"Heavenly Father"
"If it's in Your will"

Paramedics came and tried to revive
But the fallen angel didn't survive.
He's happy in heaven, I can see that clearly.
Seeing his wife and sister, who he missed quite dearly.

I can remember...
And will never forget.
My good-hearted grandfather
Whom I hope you had met.

In Honor Of :
Sigsbee B. "Sig" Carey

The author's comments:
I watched my grandfather die this past month and even though I didn't include all of the details of what happened, every bit of the poem is truth.

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