So They Say | Teen Ink

So They Say

July 22, 2010
By Anonymous

Dive deep, swim fast,
Says the dolphin,
For danger is forecast;
Fly high, stay hidden,
Says the eagle,
For storms come unbidden;
Keep together, flee not fight,
Says the deer,
For hunters come in the night;
Sink deep, sway and bend,
Says the tree,
For rigidity will be your end;
Wait for your chance, sprout and grow,
Says the seed,
For always comes an end to snow;
Be still, wait and see,
Says the stone,
For what will be will be;
Eat and play, worry not what comes to call,
Says the lamb,
For the shepherd watches over us all;
Stay close, listen, watch and smell,
Says the dog,
Guard your master well;
Stalk the shadows, walk the night,
Says the cat,
Hunt the barns as is your right;
Carry your master, bear his loads,
Says the horse,
Trust the one who knows the roads;
Study, listen, walk and pray,
Says the Christian,
For glory comes on Judgment Day.

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