Wavering Sky | Teen Ink

Wavering Sky

July 31, 2010
By PEF11 GOLD, Larchmont, New York
PEF11 GOLD, Larchmont, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name"- William Shakespeare

There was a wavering sky today
It covered the sky with a light grey veil
Through which only splotches of sunlight penetrated
Feeding the feeble, optimistic hopes for a sunny summer’s day
The veil was darkened in other spots
As if a solitary teardrop, when the veil halted its course down the pale cheek
Had left its salty imprint in the fabric
Forewarning of the deluge that might follow
A thunderstorm had been predicted and was indeed a possibility
But looking up, a person just couldn’t be sure
No expression could be seen behind the veil
Later in the day, the clouds blew away
The veil was lifted, and the sun shone with the luxuriant gold of a summer evening
But by then, the beaches were deserted, the pools empty
The parties had been cancelled, and all the swimmers had gone home

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