Until the day we Die | Teen Ink

Until the day we Die

June 28, 2010
By J.Crutchfield SILVER, Antioch, Tennessee
J.Crutchfield SILVER, Antioch, Tennessee
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Until the day we die,
You’ll be everything to me,
I’ll be the man you never dreamed of,
The man beyond your dreams,
I think you’re a great person,
You’d make a beautiful wife and children,
I love you in every way,
I want to be there for you every day,

When you get cold,
I want to be there to make you warm,
Or when you get scared,
I want to be there to make you feel safe,
And when you’re alone,
I want to be your companion,
When you cry,
I want to be there to call an angel,
So when you’re in stress, you can spread your wings and fly…
Just fly,
Because I want to there until the very end…until we die.

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