A Cowboy's Dinner | Teen Ink

A Cowboy's Dinner

July 14, 2010
By TravisCarlson BRONZE, Durango, Colorado
TravisCarlson BRONZE, Durango, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I ride through the valley, as my horse starts to buck
I fly off the saddle and land face first in cow muck
My tongue falls out, and into the cud
And, I'll be damn, it tasted pretty good
I try to give some to my dudes
But they just saw, we ain't eating no poo
I just say, "Fine your loss."
I eat some more, then take out my floss
I then get tired and go to bed
Then wake up in mornin', and eat some again

The author's comments:
I was in the 6th grade. These cowboys were coming to perform at our school, and my Advance Language Arts teacher wanted the class to write "cowboy poetry". She gave us a bunch of pictures so we could get some ideas. It took me a while to get one, until I saw this cow picture. It then popped into my head: Cow Pie. I then began writing ideas down on the paper, and my teacher loved it. So, I guess Mrs. White is the cause of this.

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