I'll Always Remember | Teen Ink

I'll Always Remember

July 21, 2010
By Keyakyo PLATINUM, Nortonville, Kansas
Keyakyo PLATINUM, Nortonville, Kansas
34 articles 0 photos 5 comments

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People die...so love them everyday. Beauty fades...so look before it's gone. Love changes...but not the love you give. And if you love, you'll never be alone.

I'll always remember,
The fun we had,
The times we shared,
Even the fights we got into.
I'll always remember you,
With your friendly smile,
Caring ways and smart alec remarks.
Thinking back now I'm smiling,
Though I miss you terribly,
Because I know I'll never forget our friendship,
Since it was so close to my heart.
I know deep down that we'll meet again,
But until then remember,
I'll never forget you,
And i'll always be with you.

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