Poem for my sister. | Teen Ink

Poem for my sister.

July 20, 2010
By Anonymous

I wasn't going to be normal
Because it was a normal life
You said it will make you
Beautiful and stronger
I look calm on the outside
Taking in your words
But on the inside I'm crushed
Thank you for standing by me
When it wasn't okay
In my pink pajama shorts
Drinking chocolate milk
On the porch then I'm left
Standing there in the breeze
Alone watching the leaves move
All the fighting was not right
For either one of us but
If you're special to our God
then how could I act like that
Sitting on the step with my
Arms wrapped around my knees
It doesn't even matter
The temporary problems
Because love is permanent
And that's bigger than everything
Wasn't meant to be easy
But I will live out the best of me
And do that for you.

The author's comments:
Poetry. How good it is, well that's up to you. I write because I could never sing and I don't have any talents so writing is the best way to go. :) (Oh and this is for my sister.)

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