My Body is a Garden | Teen Ink

My Body is a Garden

July 20, 2010
By JordanSB SILVER, Anoka, Minnesota
JordanSB SILVER, Anoka, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My body is a garden, where what I've sown is grown,
Into hundreds of terrifyingly beautiful flowers.
They exist as memories, these flowers,
Reborn in the present, allowing me a future.
Like a surgeons suture, they open me up, and
Reflect my inner self, who even I struggle to recognize.
But I learn who I am by these reflections;
I'm the soil for my life to sprout.
I'm the flower of my memories.
I'm the eventual of the future, and I know
My body is a garden.

The author's comments:
This was written for someone who was trying to move forward with their life, and get out of the downward spiral they continuously fell into.

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