Dancing Between the Wind | Teen Ink

Dancing Between the Wind

July 12, 2010
By cattymai SILVER, Huntington Beach, California
cattymai SILVER, Huntington Beach, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My family stands beside me under a roof of sky
Dancing between the wind
Leaves crumple beneath our feet
As we stomp the rhythm of the rain
We inhale the warm air, the scent of sky
Come down, we chant.
Come down.
The air is still
As the silence vibrates
And then
A drop of rain touches our souls
And we dance between the wind

The glistening sun ignites a carpet of purple blossoms
As the wind blows them away
Perfuming the air with the sweet scent of fire and flowers
I roam through a canopy of silver elms
Feeling their bark bumpy beneath my fingers
Listening for the song of the purple finch that heralds spring

In the spring
When the cherry blossoms bloom
I stroll to the old bridge by the stream
Where the purple periwinkle trees
Admire their blossoms in the watery mirror
And the mossy rocks sit and collect years
As the water swishes over them
Here I lie, in my home without walls
My back on cool grass
My mind free

The wind blows the blades of green grass
Soft beneath our feet
The music of the ice cream truck sweetens the air
We chase it down the street
The sound of our laughter is like the sun
We roll it into a ball to save for a rainy day
As cherry popsicle juice dribbles down our sunburnt chins

In winter, I see a snowflake like a tiny icy sun
Tumbling toward the hard earth
And I think
Some snowflakes look like suns
Some like stars
Others are branches of a tree
And look! There’s one that’s an exploding flower
Each one unique
Just like me

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