The Rose | Teen Ink

The Rose

July 10, 2010
By Kingleo BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
Kingleo BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes we take chances. Sometimes we take pills"

Remember when I saw you?
I was walking through a garden
Your smell and beauty attracted me
It soothed my soul
So I picked you up and planted you in my front lawn
You were my most prized possession
I loved you so much

But remember when you gave me those glasses?
You know, the ones with the funny color?
I put on the glasses
I remembered how I thought my sight was better
How I thought you helped me see you better
You loved me so much

Then I tried to hold you
But when I did you spat words that pierced like thorns
You missed my heart and hit my soul
Oh, how I suffered that day!
I wonder what happened to you
I had loved you so much

I remember how I wished you would wither and die
Until I saw you again
Sitting exactly where I left you
But bigger and more beautiful then before
The aroma of nostalgic feelings filled the air
I took your glasses
I set them at your roots and walked away

The author's comments:
This is a poem inspired by a break up and mixing it with an image of my favorite plant the rose. How a rose is beautiful but has sharp hurtful thorns. It might sound cliche but I try to take the triteness (real word?) out of the poem by giving some personifaction to the rose and giving the poem narrative qualities.

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