Civic Duties | Teen Ink

Civic Duties

July 10, 2010
By Pseudonymous GOLD, Saint Peters, Missouri
Pseudonymous GOLD, Saint Peters, Missouri
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why is a finite action able to act on infinity?
I guess the answer is that we’re all expected to act sensibly.

When the bread won't fall from these skies,
I believe it's time to socialize.

Must I capitalize my sentences,
in the interim of capitalism's defenses?

Shall I man the soapbox and praise the security?
Or rather rant and rave in reckless fury?

If the stars and stripes ever bleed and collect,
will there be a need for bags to be checked?

Form of the times, form of the age,
see the nuclear politician garnering rage?

Must you wear a matching suit and tie,
to be behind a podium in microscopic size?

You know you can't keep those promises,
so promise that you'll see your power as limitless.

Keep your distance while each bill passes,
herd the cattle into distinct social classes.

Nickels to trick, pennies to scorn,
sound the alarm when we're not forlorn.

Conquer the lands, head to the east,
don't singe the food of the communist feast.

The author's comments:
Sort of a simple rant on the hilarity of politics.

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