Breaths of Suffocation | Teen Ink

Breaths of Suffocation

July 10, 2010
By Pseudonymous GOLD, Saint Peters, Missouri
Pseudonymous GOLD, Saint Peters, Missouri
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why is a finite action able to act on infinity?
I guess the answer is that we’re all expected to act sensibly.

a firelight grips the horizon of a malnourished ocean surf
the embers dissolve in its sour solution

waves and flames babble the chorus of an ancient hymn
trapped and swollen they combine with inevitable circumstance

creatures boldly glare and observe the spectacle of these two strangers
at a distance they swoon and increase their toothless grins

flames rage and warm the ocean's existence
the creature's gums faintly glow a tranquil red

as smirks persist the blaze becomes less luminous
the sinister scoundrels won't cease their sly smiles

cackles echo as water evaporates and the fire suffocates

The author's comments:
I'll let you create meaning yourselves.

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