Blood and Tears | Teen Ink

Blood and Tears

July 12, 2010
By Avoxgirl BRONZE, Gladesville, Other
Avoxgirl BRONZE, Gladesville, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blood and Tears

Once i lived in a village of peace and hope.
Once there was once music in my village,
Once songs filled the air, sweet melodies made the people dance.
Once light sounds made the people laugh and the children were sung to sleep.
But the music that was once here no longer fills the air,
The melodies that once made the people dance have long since disappeared.
The light sounds that once made the people laugh have been replaced by the cry's of fear.
There is no reason to sing to the young children for they have been robed of there childhood.
For now i live in a village of destruction
The roads a splattered with blood and tears.
The sounds of bullets piecing the air is all that can be heard.
That and the weeps of a mothers as she cries herself to sleep.
For her children have been taken, drugged and given guns.
Tomorrow they will have forgotten home, and been given a new name,
She to will be forgotten in a matter of days
She will go on with only the knowledge that her sons will face death almost every day.
The music that was once soothing is now a distant memory
All that can be head are the sounds of pain.
All for what we know as fear and pain,
and what you know as

But i can still hear the music,
Still feel the need to sing and dance
For i believe that one day this will stop
And the children will be children once more
I still have hope
I can still hear the music.

The author's comments:
I drew my inspiration form the movie Blood Diamonds

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