One Little Girls Triumph Over Sickness | Teen Ink

One Little Girls Triumph Over Sickness

July 9, 2010
By ChristianGirlForLife18 BRONZE, Mount Ephiram, New Jersey
ChristianGirlForLife18 BRONZE, Mount Ephiram, New Jersey
3 articles 4 photos 0 comments

A girl so small and innocent
Plays at school, in a split second
Her life is changed by one act
A call across the field
From a teacher who calls home
The teacher says that she is worried
And that the little girl is pale

The Uncle acts and calls the family doctor
That night the little girl is taken to the doctor
And the doctor orders blood test
The next morning she gets the test

A day goes by that they wonder
What will the results will be
She goes to school happy
Not knowing that when she returns home
Her life will never be the same

She walks in the door and is greeted
The uncle comes out with a look of confusion
The little girls is wondering what was wrong
He tells her to pack for the Hospital
She's scared and dose not know what to do

She goes to her room and cries
Packs her favorite stuffed animal
Proceeding down the stairs
She wipes the tears away like it never happened
As she walks out the door she looks at her mom
With a terrified look

They arrive at the hospital
And at that moment she knows life has changed
In one-second the little girl who was fine is now scared
The doctor looks at her and says one word "Leukemia"
Her mother starts to cry

She looks at her daughter scared for her life
The little girls uncle looks in fear and tells the little girl
We will get through it
She begins to cry

After more test the little girl is told even worst news
They rejoice
Until he says the whole thing
He begins with "no leukemia"
He says, we wish it was, it's worse then that
The little girl is confused and scared
Time goes by as they try to think what to say to the little girl

They tell her that it is Aplastic Anemia
The little girl looks around as they tell her,
That she can die at any time
Her heart skips a beat

The disease is rare, only 15 kids in the world
The little girl thinks and wonders
Why me, what did I do?

The little girl goes in and out of the hospital for precedures
The little girl constantly has transfusions and blood test
This goes on for 2 years but the little girl stays strong
After 4 years of hospitalizations, tests and more
The little girls starts to see the light at the end of the tunnel

She goes to the doctors one day and is told the best news
The doctor comes in and says remember when you weren't sick
The little girl who was now a teen asked why
The doctor said the 4 words she will never forget
"You are in remission"

The little girl smiled at the doctor and had a tear run down her face
This little girl was healthy and she now knew that she had made it
The little girl thanks her teachers, family, and friends that where there
This little girl made it through all of this with support
And she believes that she got it for a reason and that was
To be stronger and closer to family and friends to show
That a little girl so small and innocent can do anything with support and love

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote about the struggles i had to go through and also the victory i had when and after I was Diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 4 2010 at 9:00 pm
crubs33 DIAMOND, Lido Beach, New York
58 articles 3 photos 750 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."- Coco Chanel
Life isn't about surviving the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Thats so great!! you are so powerful and brave to go through something like that!! If you could please rate and comment on my work that would be great!! thanks and ur sooo good!!!