I Learned From You | Teen Ink

I Learned From You

June 22, 2010
By Anonymous

I learned from a young age
that it was best to just stay out of your way
and not to cry when you hit mommy
even though I was scared

And I learned from a young age
to lie about where the bruises came from
because no one would believe such a dumb little kid
and you’d just hit me again anyways

And I learned from a young age
that hugs and kisses weren’t allowed
because stupid kids don’t deserve love
even when they try to be good

And I learned from a young age
that the stuff in the bottles made you feel better
and that mommy was wrong to hide it from you
so she had to be punished

And I learned from a young age
that you didn’t love mommy or me
you just liked our money
but mommy was too scared to tell you to leave

And I learned from a young age
that Santa wasn’t real
because I wrote him a bunch of letters asking for a new daddy
but there was never anything under the tree

And I learned from a young age
that invisibility is the best super power
because my superman costume didn’t protect me or make me strong
and I couldn’t really fly away

And I learned from a young age
that there bad people in this world
who like to hit mommies and ruin childhoods
and that you’re one of them

thank you daddy
for the lessons I’ve learned
aren’t you glad you taught me well

The author's comments:
Dedicated to those innocent children who suffered or are suffering from child abuse

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