Love Triangle | Teen Ink

Love Triangle

July 6, 2010
By samantha dunn BRONZE, Atascadero, California
samantha dunn BRONZE, Atascadero, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tell me, Muse, about the love triangle,
which foreshadows that it will end in disaster,
She saw it coming she saw the end.
Whisper to me of the tears that were shed, of the love that is now dead.
Shout at me Muse of how she did nothing to stop it from getting out of hand.
Cry to me Muse of the promises that were broken and made again,
of the love the girl had for the boy and the girl, equal but not.
Tell me again of the confusion, helplessness, and selfishness
she felt for not wanting to loose both, but knowing that one must go.
She chooses the love she loves the most, but who is that now,
she thought she would know.
But to say the end is to say a lie, what happened next was least to be expected.
It ends like a fairytale of happy ever after, but the love triangle is still there,
but changed around, of what I dare not say.
Everything is fine but for the girl who loves both
It is not the final chapter.

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