The Working Class Homosepian | Teen Ink

The Working Class Homosepian

June 14, 2010
By NovaLuna BRONZE, Palisades Park, New Jersey
NovaLuna BRONZE, Palisades Park, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spending endless frustrations and fears,
Every hour of the day, minute, second, then we start again.
Does the cycle ever end?
Now look,
How we have aged.
So far from the dream
Fingertips don’t even scrape.
Tell ourselves this now, every moment of the day,
‘Just a little now, fight and fight till the end’.
But legs can’t go on, bodies shut down.
Eyes shut in rejection they refuse to come alive.
Every light, whisper, or wisps of wind hurts and crashes the skin.
It kills so, its hunger it’s eating us alive.
Is it truly necessary? Consumers, Predators, Prey.
We are all the same.
Does the cycle ever end?
The ringing is going of again.
Wake up, seven thirty.
Change and contribute,
Yet you have not realized that you’ve fallen for the ruse.
Living in the cycle, that is impossible to break through.
Now ask yourself this question person, human, soul.
Are you in this world for me?
Or do you breathe for you?

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