Trapped | Teen Ink


June 21, 2010
By poetress GOLD, Bothell, Washington
poetress GOLD, Bothell, Washington
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments

above the water
made of sand, of dirt, but
refusing to embrace the sea
unwilling to look past the surface
of iridescent foaming, crashing waves
as beautiful as they are ominous
That is all we see and
snap a “perfect” frozen memory that
conveys only shallow perceptions,
for the photo cannot show
what lies beneath – the
beating heart of the ocean
that pumps life into all of her creatures,
connected to one another through watery veins
Oil spills cause throbbing wounds and
poison spreads like ice to blood
Her cry resonates throughout the world,
an echo that reaches every farthest corner
and tells of her pain, but
few can hear it beyond
the tendencies of their own greed
We only listen to a single scream:
Who cares who we hurt when we have this new business deal?
Wealth, our only measure of success and we assume that surely,
a forgiving “God” would spare the life of the one who collects as many toys as possible, but
possessions mean nothing when we’re rotting in a hole in the ground,
facing the mortality that we tried to dream away,
when we’re abusing the only earth we have,
denying the future of our species
their only home
We must
take the time to consider
the future souls that
may never feel the sweet intake of oxygen
when the smog grows too thick to breathe and
we’re all choking on the actions of our ancestors
More often,
we must realize that
every step we take
for or against our planet will impact
each and every generation to come;
nothing is as lasting as we believe.

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This article has 2 comments.

poetress GOLD said...
on Jul. 27 2010 at 6:47 pm
poetress GOLD, Bothell, Washington
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments
It was inspired by my anger towards everything that happened with the BP oil spill. I tried to tie in more general themes, like doing what you can to help the environment and how most big corporations don't care about the earth - they are only looking for profit. This was written a few months ago (TeenInk takes awhile to approve things, it seems) when I was bored during science class. At the time, there was a lot more going on in the news about it. Hope I answered your question (:

Felicia GOLD said...
on Jul. 27 2010 at 8:55 am
Felicia GOLD, Chandler, Arizona
18 articles 0 photos 63 comments
wat does this poem mean to you?