The Moment Sadly Weeps | Teen Ink

The Moment Sadly Weeps

June 23, 2010
By Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The moment sadly weeps,
Who really knows why
The memory gently sleeps,
But will never say goodbye

How can hope be lost
When all you want is firm?
How can you pay the cost
When so much is left to learn?

But faith is hard to find
When a broken heart so sadly lives
And wavers throughout time,
It’s so very hard to give

The moment quietly cries
Although its message is so clear
In your heart forever lies
The sadness that you fear

It burns and scalds
It hurts and scars
And it has taken all
Except your heart

Now the pieces lie,
How jagged they are
Inside, you cry
For that broken heart

So let it all out
Let the pain subside
Let it simmer down
The pain will die

Pick up those pieces,
Remember no more
You must release it,
You can win this war

Just hold on tight,
Your heart will heal
Use all your might,
And joy you’ll feel

A broken heart,
At last whole again
You will soon find
You will soon win

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