Brother | Teen Ink


June 23, 2010
By Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Faith left with his last breath.
A silent sigh,
No sweet goodbye.

How could he be gone?
Life was unfair,
No room for a prayer

His heart had been warm,
Yet now he lies cold,
Nothing left to behold.

Too young, he was,
Too lively and bright,
Too full of light.

Death had come
And stolen his youth,
The miserable truth.

So courageously
Against death he fought,
A future he sought.

But life didn’t give
When death pulled
And selfishly stole.

Stole from me,
And from him.
A horrible sin.

Now he was gone,
Ascended from here
To a home full of cheer

Goodbye my sweet soul,
A short time we part,
I give you my heart.

A brother of mine,
Forever you will be,
For all of eternity.

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