Tears of Whiskey | Teen Ink

Tears of Whiskey

May 31, 2010
By ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your last frown is making its way down for the very last time.
Your tears make its way from your glassy eyes to your lips,
and they fill a bottle with shame.
It tastes just the same.
Forget the eagerness for one more sip,
Don't think about that today.
Throw the bottle out of your reach.
Be careful not to trip over the glass thrown before your feet.
The sun shines bright through the shades of your windows,
but squinting makes you reminisce.
Keep your eyes wide open.
It will be scary to see the things you were too busy forgetting,
But believe that they're beautiful.

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