Seven things before i die | Teen Ink

Seven things before i die

June 18, 2010
By cookiemunsterrzz BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
cookiemunsterrzz BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stand on a mountain where the possibilities are
limitless. I want to watch the clouds roll by
and wish upon every invisible star and bird.
Sit on a beach and let the waves roll up over me and
engulf me. I want to talk with the fishes
and see what they see.
Lay on the roof of a car and count all the
stars. I want to tell them my secrets
and listen to the moon whisper sweet nothings.
Watch the animals as they scurry to and fro their little
homes. I want to hear their stories
and listen to the wisdom they possess.
Count the blades of grass as they tickle my
feet. I want to see the veins in the grass
and listen to the wind as it blows through them.
Sleep on the softest pillow so I can hopefully forget my
nightmares. I want to dream of pretty butterflies
and you.
Live my life to the fullest so I don’t have to waste my time
dreaming. I want to forget the bad times
and move on so I can begin anew.

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