Anger Management | Teen Ink

Anger Management

June 17, 2010
By Kyle Stanley BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
Kyle Stanley BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

His veins, no longer pump blood--
but rage.
The brain, previously the main console of his being--
no longer has control.

Pedestrians, citizens, strangers.
Now take on the role of a therapist--
Speaking gentle words to soothe his swelling anger.
Trying to cage the beast within.

They speak to deaf ears.

He searches for his prey--
his vision consumed with red.
The one who began the countdown to his ticking time bomb.
If found, no logic or force in the world could hold him back.

Relatives continue to speak.
He's not listening--
but the way the relatives speak begin to settle his mind.

Family members beg him to calm down.
His veins begin to pump blood again--
The brain fights to gain power.

Finally his mother and father bring him back to his normal self.

2 minutes and 30 seconds was the elapsed time of anger.

Why was he mad?
Who was his prey?
These are the questions you should be asking.
Well, the answer for this anger:

His brother changed the channel while he was watching television.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 15 2010 at 12:22 am
crubs33 DIAMOND, Lido Beach, New York
58 articles 3 photos 750 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."- Coco Chanel
Life isn't about surviving the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

This is really good!! i can feel the emotion!!! if you could please rate and comment my work that would be great!! thanks and u r really good dont stop!!!