Silence | Teen Ink


February 27, 2010
By atue-awesomeness. BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
atue-awesomeness. BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Silence is golden like the key gate to heaven
silence is simple but complex
is that mind bobbling, complex, erotic, distracting, abstract or nether the less concrete.
some say speak your mind and let your voice be heard
but what if my voice cannot be heard of the crowded rooms
what if my thoughts are too complex for one to understand but when i am silent all i want to say is spoken without any words.
what if i speak but no one listens. what if i do not speak but everyone listens and understands.
does that make me crazy. silence is golden
the drive the power and the force it delivers in immaculate.

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