Reminescent Room | Teen Ink

Reminescent Room

June 5, 2010
By cupcake89269 BRONZE, Sanford, Florida
cupcake89269 BRONZE, Sanford, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cuddled up in the warm homeade quilt, thoughts are filtering throughout my mind. Underneath the glass of the old, cracked, dusty picture frame memories are being brought back. All of the pictures of papaw in the navy captures me, and brings me in the Navy in my mind! Beanie babies piled up in the raggedy, olive green toy chest, makes me wonder about all the children that have played with them before. On the window seal cobwebs are collecting dust as fast as lightning! And there, next to the window is the old, fragile rocking chair that grandma rocked mom to sleep in stands. The apple pie my great grandmother used to make seeps through the cracks of the door! Squeking loudly, the door opens slowly, and in comes mamaw saying the pie is ready!

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