Bridges | Teen Ink


May 21, 2010
By trav81995 BRONZE, Dover, Pennsylvania
trav81995 BRONZE, Dover, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Are bridges but a simple thing that connect two lands?
No, they don’t just connect them, they bring them together.
A bridge is a bond that cannot be broken.
Bridges may be crossed, may be knocked down, but some will always stand.
Trust is a bridge between friends that share their souls.
Love is a bridge that bonds people to another.
Hope is a bridge, being built to a new place.
Despair is a bridge that will never want to be crossed again.
They show not always good, but sometimes the bad.
But some bridges will stand high and mighty, while others stand small.
No matter how large, or strong, or broken, or battered,
A bridge is a bond that takes us to new lands.
To places of which the heart and mind are fond.
So join hand in hand, as we leave this land, and follow the bridge.
To a place where there is joy, and no more sorrow.

The author's comments:
I wrote this one night when thinking about how everything is connected in ways that cannot be explained. There is a bond between everything.

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