Mayhem at the pond | Teen Ink

Mayhem at the pond

May 27, 2010
By Anonymous

The Willow Creek Pond
A place where, in the winter, people skate to hearts content
A place where my dad floods the cold ice every night
And also a place where a movie can be shot.

It was last year about mid february when they wanted to shoot the movie
The “movie people” brought all of their gear
They shot the scene over the next 3 days
Their was only chaos and mayhem on the ice for the 3 days

My dad wanted me to be in the movie
So they put me in as a background skater
It didn’t go to well. . .
I fell down


And again

And again

I got up, bushed myself off and did the shoot 1 more time. . .
The shoot was over and I could go home and heal my cuts and bruises.

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