It's Nostalgic | Teen Ink

It's Nostalgic

May 28, 2010
By KeybladeMasterVentus SILVER, Summerfield, North Carolina
KeybladeMasterVentus SILVER, Summerfield, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cool green grass upon a moonlit meadow
The flowers of indigo, azure, and golden yellow
Brings be back to a sky so mellow
Where my castle flew high and the Great Baron would bellow:

"I think of another place where I am free,
A place devoid of nightmares, where I am able to be.
Not what I am not, not what you have told me to see,
But what I truly am; a sturdy tree.
Upon the majestic hue where nostalgia strikes my quivering feet,
In the rose-red sky where the doves soar in the sanguine summer heat.

"A place unscathed by the sword of fate,
A palace so bountiful the rosebuds bloom in grace.
Upon the vibrant hue where nostalgia strikes my quivering feet,
Where the morning dew on the grass shimmers in the sanguine summer heat.
That is where my castle and I shall meet."

The author's comments:
When I wrote this piece, I was thinking about the movie Castle in the Sky. And lately I've been feeling so nostalgic, since it's the end of the year and the beloved Seniors are moving on to college. I see my castle as my own beautiful world; my castle reflects me.

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