The Reason Why | Teen Ink

The Reason Why

May 16, 2010
By kyle groberg BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
kyle groberg BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I've procrastinated for a whole day
And it's funny that I just realized this. So now I need to be taken away, Somewhere like an oceanic abyss.

I have many reasons for what I've done, Reasons why I didn't start this paper. But there is not enough room for each one. Exceeding fourteen lines would be a caper.

So I will tell you the first reason why I've put off construction of this project. But if I do tell you then you'd reply with disbelief and I'd lose all respect.

So now at last I hope you've understood The reason why this sonnet is no good.

The author's comments:
Its pretty obvious why I wrote this. Just read it!

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