Great Lakes Storm | Teen Ink

Great Lakes Storm

May 26, 2010
By jwise92 BRONZE, Sheridan, Michigan
jwise92 BRONZE, Sheridan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I heard the moss covered rocks moan a soft surrender
As the blue-green water was thrust down upon them.
With the roar of a thousand lions the lake
Was thrashed against the shore.

I could smell the spray from the lake
As it engulfed the frail dock, its cold
Metal legs trembling with fear.

I was nearly thrown from my feet
As I stepped into a stampede
Of galloping wind.

The rain felt like an army of spears
Falling from the heavens onto the
Defenseless beach.
With the shiver of each grain of sand
I knew how it felt to be inadequate and vulnerable.

Suddenly, without heed, clear skies
Emerged from the south,
I felt the beach rejoice as the
Sun once again protected it
With the warmth of her blanket…

The author's comments:
Every year my family and I travel to Drummond island michigan in lake huron. Once in a while a storm will roll through and rage furiously and then disappear with no evidence it even came.

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