the tree | Teen Ink

the tree

May 25, 2010
By another_teenage_itiot PLATINUM, Huston, Arkansas
another_teenage_itiot PLATINUM, Huston, Arkansas
30 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why are we so angry
why are we so sad
we dont need to stare back
at everything we had

A dying tree
Inside my yard
Try to grow
But try’s too hard
The weeds grow up
To hold it back
Because of room
That they all lack
The fallen tears
All on the ground
Make silent puddles
And drip with no sound
So far away
Far away from home
And standing there
There so alone
Yet still its strong
Its roots so deep
Yet every night
It cannot sleep
And every time
The moon comes out
He remembers coming out
The self denial went away
What else could he say.
Standing alone
because he stood apart
His roots were rotting
With its very own art
Death of his love
Shown deep from inside
Knowing so truly
That those words were lies.
The very depth
That made him strong
Made him write
The saddest songs
About the pain
From deep inside
About the very
Day he died
So though he stands
And cant be moved
He’s dead inside
And cant be moved.

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