Second life | Teen Ink

Second life

May 21, 2010
By Mike Presto BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Mike Presto BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bell rings and out spring classes of youth
into the bright, clean hallways ready for a flood.
Students socialize, and there is one passing.
With a half-vibrant smile, the other half is mysterious, although not in a creepy way.
His expression betrays the truth.
It is unnoticable to fellow classmates.
Teachers have suspicions.
He walks to his locker stopping on the way for gossip, high-fives, and quick hugs
from the girls having a lucky day.
He makes the hallways sing and rejoice.
But now it is time to say goodbye until a new week decides to birth itself.

School is out, the week is over, and the weekend has begun.
He waits at his locker.
Waiting for peace. Waiting for calmness. Waiting to be alone.
Emotionally it never comes.
Physically, he sighs for his window of time to himself.
Dreading the future, repeating the past.
It is time.
Out of his humble school, he creeps. Walking slowly to the sidewalk, down the block, and through the sunless neighborhood.
Dreading the inevitable.
As he walks closer to his destination, the world seems to slip away.
The colorful cars turn gloomy and float away, while nature dies and vanishes.
His dragging feet begin to move over emptiness and his peripherals become non-existent.
Darkness engulfs his body.
Growing in the distance is a dull and drab shack-looking structure.
Realizing he has arrived, he takes and gulps down the air available for his unknown number of upcoming breaths.

Into the gloomy, rayless atmosphere he goes.
As if in a war zone, he maneuvers towards the kitchen, carefully placing each step.
All of a sudden, the world he loves gracefully falls back into place around him as he sees a bright white note on the counter.
"Went to my second anger management class, they seem to be working! Be home later tonight. Love you son"
A glimpse of hope for a better future grips his heart and joy pours into him like a refreshing breeze through his body.
With that, he hops into his warm bed and takes a quick revitalizing nap before his soon-to-be great night.

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